Friday, 30 March 2007

Lift off Into IT

Flying, I wonder what would make this blog unique. What unique topics could this cover? Software Engineering, algorithms, design, coding standards, best practise, management, development?

Alas they have all been done before. But making my big splash (and do realise I am still just launching of the dive board) will not happen through a pro longed conversation on some pithy points, but looking at the full spectrum that makes up the software development process.

Now now before I hear shouts of 'what ho jimmy that has boat allready sailed', I must counter with a powerful left hook that would make Gordon Brown spasm with envy.

Its not what you do, but how you do it. This blog intends to bring to the masses news, tips, advice, discussion and gossip of the IT world in a new voice.

Now friends reading this will go WHAT! Not that manky, croaky, ruffed by larger, picqued by gin and thoroughed by early starts and late nights voice emenating from a throat that rumbles in such a way to leave women and men alike quaking in the furrows? Surely not?

Well... no. This is not a pod cast and thus my wonderous voice does not carry well over the written form. There are born writers, and born speakers. This will be a test (and ok ramble) to see which am I and what can be done via this median.

My voice will be; the voice of reason, the voice of dreams, the voice of usefull information, the voice of hmm? and the voice of what!

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