Friday, 27 April 2007

Favourite Books - Head First

Ok Ok. If you like at my favourite books on the right, it does seem like a brand of books, started by Cathy Sierra, make up the majority of my book shelf.

Now I must start off by saying that I have not and will most not ever receive payment for this. It is actually because reading the Head First Java book brought me up to speed on Java in only four weeks, when others will still learning the basics (and still are) after three months.

The second, Servlets and JSPS, brought my 92% in a class test, and the third, HTML and CSS, gave me the skills to write a well structured, strict compliant, good looking website that meet usability guidelines (oh and the client liked it also).

The books quiet simply break the mould for technical manuals, though strictly speaking they are not manuals, but learning materials that life long teachers probably never manage to produce. So say what you will about my shameless plug for the Head First range, but they've brought me far and will do so for others who can't be bothered to wade through 500 pages of sleep inducing size 8 writing.

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